The Academy of Public Health


We have various cadres of members across the whole world who bring in their skillset and ideas to collaborate.


We train and offer certicates to organizations and individuals


Core Competencies are the basic building blocks of our public health education and professional development programmes.

Supporting Young Professionals to Thrive

Under the umbrella of supporting young professionals in public health to thrive, we have the following programmes: Design, Equity, Action and Leadership (DEAL) Fellows, Health Literacy and Leadership Programme (HLLP) and the Virtual Internship Programme (VIP).

Capacity Development

We build the capacity of public health professionals for them to carry out their work in the best possible way.

The Academy of Public Health (APH) was founded for improving public health practice as a special purpose vehicle of the West African Institute of Public Health (WAIPH).

The Academy of Public Health is a professional body sharpened to help redress the limited human resource capacity in West Africa in the area of Public Health. It is domiciled in Nigeria and with members across the 15 states of ECOWAS. It thrives on partnerships and value-add alliances with both state and non-state actors as well as development partners.

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